Boko haram terrorism in nigeria pdf

The history of boko haram boko haram s origins lie in a group of radical islamist youth who worshipped at the alhaji muhammadu ndimi mosque in maiduguri a decade ago. Boko haram insurgency and the counterterrorism policy in. Dozens of boko haram, iswap fighters killed in nigeria. It analyses the nature of political violence and the dominant roles of a violent nationstate in both colonial and postcolonial experiences and the rise of terrorism in nigeria. Boko haram is a terrorist organization which caused the loss of lives and properties in northern nigeria, while others considered it as insurgent group financed by foreign nationals to spoil the image of islam and muslims. This book focuses on boko haram and terrorism in nigeria, framing the conflict in an international law context. State department designated boko haram and its offshoot ansaru as terrorist organizations in november 20, citing boko haram s links with aqim and its responsibility for thousands of deaths in northeast and central nigeria over the last several years including targeted killings of civilians. Boko haram continues to drive terrorism threat in northern. Nonetheless, boko haram remains resilient, conducting attacks in neighboring cameroon, chad, niger, as well as nigeria, emphasizing the threat it poses to western and regional interests. While the soft power of terrorist organisations has received scant attention, there has been modest scholarly inquiry into a soft power approach to counter terrorism. The anatomy of a crisis 10 since 2009 boko haram has become a metaphor for insecurity in nigeria after the government launched a clampdown on the group, which resulted in some 800 deaths, mostly of the sect members. The rise of boko haram in nigeria combating terrorism.

The threat from boko haram and ansaru the henry jackson society 7 leadership have recently surfaced. Boko haram is a terrorist sect whose main objective hinges on the opposition of western education. Abstract boko haram, the islamic radical sect from northeastern nigeria, has been responsible since 2009 for a string of bomb attacks strategically directed at. The us state department designated boko haram a foreign terrorist organization in november 20. The research analysis revealed that the boko haram insurgency has closely adhered to maos theory of revolutionary war since its inception. Nigerias battle with boko haram council on foreign. Boko harams terrorism and the nigerian state springerlink.

In the fifth section, the paper take a cursory look at the counter terrorism. H abdu boko haram, political stability and national security in nigeria paper presented to the defence and security management course 4, national defence college, abuja, on 7 october 2011. Terrorism, perception, root causes, objectives, boko haram, nigeria. In 2009, the boko haram uprising resulted in a fiveday deadlock between police in bauchi, nigeria and the extremist group. The word boko haram in hausa means western education is forbidden. Using the boko haram situation as a case study, this paper examines the legal framework for combating terrorism and extremism in nigeria and suggests the. Pdf the united states national interests and the fight.

The united states designated boko haram a foreign terrorist organization in late 20, but at times washington has withheld military assistance pdf out of concern over nigerias counterterrorism. Forest jsou report 125 may 2012 joint special operations university 7701 tampa point boulevard macdill afb fl 33621. What is boko haram, the militant group terrorizing nigeria. Islamism, politics, security and the state in nigeria 2014 2 west african politics and society series 3. To address the boko haram crisis in nigeria, this study looked at maos theory of revolutionary war as a guide to understand the group. Boko haram was founded in 2002 by a charismatic, radical cleric named mohammed yusuf, who gained support by speaking out against the rampant corruption and inequality in oilrich nigeria.

The movement is unique in that it combines a sectarian, radical islamic agenda with violence. There has not been any substantial analysis on the emergence of the boko haram group and its terrorist activities in nigeria as the outrage continues. The paper also touches on boko harams growing connection to transnational terrorist groups. The growing connection between boko haram and al qaeda is alarming to observers of the region who fear that boko haram will begin striking outside nigeria. Pdf boko haram terrorism, the international dimension.

The boko haram attacked a police station in nigeria s northern state of bauchi on 26 july 2009. Boko haram, a violent islamist insurgent group originally based in northeast nigeria, continues to wage a deadly campaign in nigeria and neighboring countries in the lake chad basin region. Federal university lafia, nigeria abstract this paper explores the humanitarian impact of terrorism in nigeria from the standpoint of boko haram insurgency. The boko haram insurgency began in 2009, when the jihadist group boko haram started an armed rebellion against the government of nigeria. The author suggests that the effective formulation and implementation. Boko haram in nigeria the latest news from al jazeera. In 2002, an offshoot of this youth group not yet known as boko haram declared the city and the islamic establishment to be intolerably corrupt and irredeemable. Confronting the terrorism of boko haram in nigeria forest confronting the terrorism of boko haram in nigeria james j. Jamaatu ahlis sunnah liddaawati waljihad, yusufiyya, people committed to the propagation of the. Since the july 2009 boko haram terrorist outburst in nigeria, there have been increasing questions on the phenomenon in the country.

The fourth aspect of the paper looks at the antecedent of boko haram as a terrorist group in nigeria. To achieve the objective of the study, the following thematic areas were explored. The incident led to a fourday armed struggle between state security forces and members of the militant group, spreading to three other states yobe, kano and borno and leaving as many as. The terrorist group boko haram, or the selfdescribed people of the tradition of the prophet saw for preaching and striving, continues to terrorise nigeria, with horrible consequences. This is against the backdrop of the rising spate of violent attacks. It is no surprise that boko haram operates in northern nigeria, where it can capitalize on poor economic conditions to recruit new members. The boko haram fundamentalist islamic group is the first insurgent organization in nigeria to be classified as a terrorist organization by the united states of america and its allies. Since 2009 the violence the group has unleashed on the nigerian state is unprecedented in the history of insurgency in the country. Addressing the boko haram insurgency in northern nigeria requires policymakers to look beyond western security templates of islamic terrorism to grasp the.

Defence ministry spokesman says 4 fighters killed in operation kantana jimlan in the countrys northeast. This paper studies the impact of terrorism as championed by boko haram, on sustainable national development in nigeria. Public opinion on the root causes of terrorism and objectives of. Boko haram is a militant terrorist organization whose goal is to overthrow the government of nigeria and institute sharia law. Despite repeated claims by the government that boko haram has been technically defeated bbc, 2015, at the end of 2017 boko haram cadres attacked a military base in northeast nigeria to show that they retain the capability to challenge. Human security at the basics, is defined as freedom from violence and threat of.

This means that maos theory of revolutionary war can be applied. This study adopts poverty theory to examine the threat of boko haram insurgency on nigerian national security. According to liolio 20, the successful recruitment of the people into the group. A state departmentdesignated foreign terrorist organization since november 20, the group. The conflict takes place within the context of longstanding issues of religious violence between nigeria s muslim and christian communities, and the insurgents ultimate aim is to establish an islamic state. In nigeria, boko haram wa s responsible for more than 80 percent of all terrorist attacks between 1970 and 201 3 for which a perpetrator group was identified, despite their relatively recent onset of violence in 2009. In this research paper, icct visiting fellow akinola olojo examines the key drivers of public support for boko haram in northern nigeria. Boko haram, a militant group based in nigeria s northwestern states of yobe and borno, claimed responsibility. The united states national interests and the fight against boko haram terrorism in nigeria article pdf available in mediterranean journal of social sciences may 2016 with 2,812 reads. Using the boko haram situation as a case study, this paper examines the legal framework for combating terrorism and extremism in nigeria and suggests the need for a purely secular state as a. The impact of boko haram insurgency on nigerian national. The media and boko haram insurgency in nigeria a content. Abimbola and adesote 2012, in domestic terrorism and boko haram insurgency in nigeria issues and trends. However, in recent years, boko haram has gradually evolved from a nigerian based antigovernment sect to an international terrorist organization.

Nigeria is characterized by two areas defined by wealth. Boko haram, nigeria, international terrorism, al qaeda introduction. A hisorical discourse, sees boko haram insurgency as the latest. According to a september 20 house of representatives homeland security committee report, the aqim boko haram collaboration is a mature relationship that allows boko haram an avenue to advance its capability, and. Introduction in hausa language boko means book especially western or foreign while haram is an arabic word meaning forbidden, ungodly or sinful. Pdf implications of boko haram terrorism on national. However, no comprehensive research has been conducted on the place of soft power in boko haram s activities and the nigerian governments efforts to end their campaign. However, the rise of the boko haram terrorists in northern nigeria had been predated by.

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